In 1862, after 10 years of perfecting his rums, Don Facundo Bacardí Massó introduced the world to his BACARDÍ Superior rum. A sublime rum for cocktails, it doesn’t dominate other flavors nor does it disappear when mixed.
Venezuela- Planas is the replacement for Diplomatico's Blanco Reserva. Aged for six years, the same as its predecessor, the strength has been upped to 47%. The result is a rich and chewy rum with notes of cappuccino and a nutty finish.
An elegant complex sipping rum carefully crafted by our Master Blenders from the purest of sugar cane honey aged in oak casks for up to 12yrs. Perfect to enjoy neat or in sophisticated cocktails.
Using only pure Jamaican molasses, Myers's Rum is made from continuous and pot still distillation and matured in white oak barrels. The rum is then carefully blended making for a very distinctive color, aroma, and flavorful taste.