Michael's Wine Cellar Blog

2023 Bordeaux Futures
15 Aug 2023
En Primeur is the purchase of Bordeaux wine while it is still maturing in the barrel. 2023 is different not only because of its special growing season but also the advancements in viticulture and winemaking over the last decade.
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Prosecco vs Champagne: Which one is right for you?
05 Jul 2023
Celebrating something exciting? (Such as the New Year!) Does the occasion call for some bubbly? (Yes!) If it does, you may find yourself in the wine aisle at the store debating between which sparkling

Guide to Wine Bottle Sizes
01 Jun 2023
Have you ever really thought about the different sizes of a wine bottle? Have you considered where they come from? Why were they created? Or even why they’re named the way they are? Well, unless you